
    Xiamen Greaship Corporation is a professional outdoor & casual footwear and athletic wear exporter, located in Xiamen China and have the production base in Fujian. We are the long-term supplier for European & American big shops and chain stores, OEM factory for some of famous-brand in Europe. We always keep a constant eye on the developing trend and provide products in comfort & fashion to satisfy the market need, especially on OUTDOOR footwear.   We are not the biggest but always the best! 厦门格锐斯波户外用品有限公司是一家经营户外、运动、休闲鞋的专业外贸公司,主营欧美、中东品牌商品在国内的贴牌生产业务。 乘车路线:  1、乘坐6路(起点:火车站〈湖东,永乐电器前方〉)车到五缘湾运动馆下车;   2、乘坐高峰运营时段车辆82路、102路至五缘湾运动馆下车:   102路——前埔公交场站(7:00-9:45,15:30-17:15);五缘湾公交场站(7:35-10:20,16:05-19:30)   82路——SM城市广场站(7:00-10:30 15:00-19:00 );五缘湾公交场站( 7:00-10:30 15:00-19:00 )   3、乘BRT至金山站,再转6路、82路车到五缘湾运动馆站下车。

    公司网址: 鞋业开发主管


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